25 Oct

DWI stands for Driving While Intoxicated or Driving While Impaired, while DUI stands for Driving Under the Influence. Regardless of the term used, both DUI and DWI refer to a driver who is either intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs, and this also applies to driving under prescription drugs that can impair driving abilities. State laws differ so both terms may mean the same or differently basing on the jurisdiction, wherein both terms can be used to describe a driver who is impaired or drunk driving, and some state laws regard the offense drunk driving as DUI and others call it DWI.

Even if a driver meets the blood alcohol concentration levels for legal intoxication, a driver can still be charged with DUI or DWI in some jurisdictions. An arresting officer has every reason to believe that a driver is too impaired or drunk driving even if a driver meets the legal alcohol concentrations levels of 0.08, and may still be charged with driving while impaired. If you happen to appear impaired before the arresting officer, and your breath analyzer shows that you're not under the influence of alcohol, the arresting officer can contact a Drug Recognition Expert to determine if you're under the influence of drugs. The first thing that will happen to you if ever if got arrested for a suspicion of drunk driving is you'll be paced into a police vehicle and you'll be taken to the nearest police station or jail. In the police station, you'll undergo mug shot and your fingerprint will be obtained. Some states allow a driver charged with DUI or DWI to be bailed out the same day, but there are states now that require a driver to be held for a certain period of time until the driver is sober up. At the time of arrest, the driver will be given a ticket or a summon telling the date of court appearance to face the charges, and this can be a humiliating experience to some drivers having to answer in public. There are many instances wherein drivers deny the charges and later on find themselves viewing a video before everyone else in the courtroom failing the field sobriety test taken from the officer's dashboard camera or taken at the jail where the driver has been processed if ever he denies all the charges and plead not guilty. Check this website at www.taheriandtodoro.com for more info!

You need to be aware that in all states, your driving privileges is loss for a given period of time even in states offering hardship license that allows a driver to work or school during the time a license is suspended or revoked. Once you are arrested for DWI or DUI, it is best to contact Buffalo Dwi Attorneys right away so that you are well-represented in court and you'll be given a legal advice of the best course of action you need to do.

To learn more about DWI lawyers, go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_under_the_influence.

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